About the Blog and Author

Our world is rife with conflict. We turn on the 24-hour news cycle and see it. Politics, culture wars, and battling World-views are center stage. We log into our social media accounts and are told to “unfriend” someone if we disagree with them. We paint each other as the enemy. We allow each other’s views to determine our worth. More disturbing still are the conversations we have on the inside. We compare ourselves to others. We tell ourselves we are not enough. These, along with other internal conversations, have shaped and warped the self-worth and identities of entire generations. The brokenness and division are infectious in the worst ways. This blog hopes to provide a platform to empathy and deeper insight surrounding difficult conversations. The “Why” is simple: To change the conversation on the topics that matter, and to create positive change and heal the wounds that bad conversations have caused. Should be easy, right?

My name is Micah. I’m southern grown, but living in Boise Idaho. I’m a husband, and soon to be dad. I have a passion for humanity, theology, and attempting to see the bigger picture (which I fail at more times than not). Because I was REALLY bad at difficult conversations in the past, I’ve learned a few things. My hope is that others will learn from my errors, and hopefully I can present some topics through a lens you have not seen before.